
  • Test Simple History Online Without Installation

    Are you curious about how Simple History can help you keep track of your WordPress site’s activity, but hesitant to install it on your live website? Great news! You can now test Simple History directly using WordPress Playground without any installation required. What is WordPress Playground? WordPress Playground is an innovative tool that allows you…

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  • Licensing expanded with new plans for users with more sites

    We have updated the licensing options for each individual Simple History add-on plugin. These new options, available as of yesterday, provide greater flexibility for choosing a plan that fits your specific needs. Overview of the new plans: With these updated licensing options, you can now select the plan that best aligns with the number of…

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  • Simple History 4.14.0 – Introducing detective mode

    Simple History 4.14.0 fixes some bugs but also adds a new useful feature: detective mode! Detective Mode is a setting in Simple History that when enabled adds detailed debug information to each logged event. After updating to the latest version of Simple History you can enable The Detective mode can be in settings: More information…

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  • Simple History 4.13.0

    This version of Simple History adds support for logging when a user has roles added or removed to them using the WP-CLI. This extends the support for different updated of roles that was added in version 4.11.0. Also included in this version is support for the WooCommerce Logger Add-On. This new add-on enhances your site’s…

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  • WooCommerce logger add-on released

    🚀 I’m happy to annonuce that the WooCommerce logger add-on for Simple History now is released. With this add-on you will be able to see detailed information about many things that happens in your WooCommerce shop: Check out the screenshots for a feeling of what’s logged: Read more about the WooCommerce logger add-on

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