Developer Loggers plugin adds new features to Simple History

There is now a new plugin that extends Simple History with new features and loggers.
It’s called Developer Loggers for Simple History.

At the moment the developer plugin adds:

Post to Slack

It feels like Slack is all over the internet at the moment. With the Post To Slack feature you can now also post all your WordPress events to a channel on your Slack team. See what users log in to you website, what post they edit and what plugins they install — all in real time in your Slack client!

Simple History - Slack messages

Log available updates

Tired of going to the updates screen to view what updates that exists for your WordPress installation? Yeah, me to, so that’s why I created this logger. Whenever WordPress checks for updates and founds one, it will be logged.


Log emails sent with wp_mail

While debugging a custom login and logout flow for a client, I got pretty tired of having to wait for my test emails to show up in my inbox. So that’s why I wrote this logger. All emails that are sent with wp_mail() — no matter what the subject, contents, or recipients are — will be logged.

Developer Logger - wp_mail

Log to systemlog

Activate this feature to also send all messages to the syslog of your computer. If you’re handy at being a Linux administrator you can do all kind of linux-jujutsu on your logs activating this. Grep and ack and wc and rotate logs and gosh I don’t know what.

Log 404 errors

After activating this logger all requests to your website that results is a 404 page not found-error will be logged. This is a pretty easy way to find broken links in your website.

Log JavaScript errors

If a browser visits your website and somehow gets a JavaScript error, then that error will be logged here.

Log WP-Cron jobs

Great for debugging or just to make sure things are running as they should, the logger for WP Cron jobs logs every time a WP Cron job is called. It can be great while debugging new cron jobs that you set up.

Note: It can also be kinda annoying to always have enabled this logger and see all the cron jobs that WordPress executes every day — becauste it’s a lot of ’em!

Developer Logger - wp cron

Log calls to HTTP API

WordPress fetches data from other sites pretty often. With this logger you can view all WordPress HTTP API calls from functions like wp_remote_post() and wp_remote_get().

You can see requested URLs, arguments used and event the remove server response.

Only activate what you need

By default none of the developer loggers will be enabled. You will find the settings for this plugin at Settings » Simple History » Developer loggers.
Developer Logger - settings