Simple History 4.6.0

Version 4.6.0 contains some new useful filters and some other fixes and additions.

Changelog for this version:


  • Add filter simple_history/get_log_row_plain_text_output/output to be able to modify the output of the plain text output of a log row. See documentation page for filter for details.
  • Add filter simple_history/log_insert_data_and_context, that will let you modify both the data and the context for an event at the same time, before it’s persisted.
  • Debug settings tab now shows if a logger is enabled or disabled.
  • WP-CLI command now includes “via” in output.


  • WP-CLI: ID field is now the first column and in uppercase, to follow the same format as the other wp cli commands use.
  • Don’t log WooCommerce post type shop_order_placehold, that is used by WooCommerce new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
  • ✨ GUI enhancements on settings page. It now has nice icons and better styling. It’s like a brand new settings page! But with the same old options as always 🤷‍♀️.