Simple History is hosted by Swedish Premium Web Hosting company Oderland

Simple History recently changed from a self-hosted VPS to a Premium Web Hosting Package by Oderland, a Swedish premium web hosting provider based in Gothenburg.

Managing a virtual private server (VPS) on your own can be time consuming. Eventually, that was the deciding factor when we decided to take our hosting to the next level.

I wanted to get more time to focus on developing and improving the plugin. I was also kind of tired of dealing with all that goes into handling it, to be honest, says Pär Thernström.  

Premium Web Hosting with Good Customer Support and High Reliability

Oderland is a premium web hosting service for customers with high demands on performance, uptime and security. Since the start in Gothenburg in 1998, they’ve provided a stable and fast hosting experience optimized for WordPress sites.

– We chose Oderland as our hosting provider due to their attentive support and reliable performance. It’s a big plus that they’re also experts in WordPress

Oderland has frequented several WordPress camps in the past and even host (pun intended) their own WordPress meetups, to further deepen their partners and customers knowledge within WP.  

– We’re very glad that Pär and his team has put their faith in us as their hosting provider.  Simple History is a great plugin which we’ve come across multiple times. Considering that a lot of our solutions are optimized for WordPress makes it an extra good match, says Jack Oderland, CEO of Oderland.