Simple History + RSS = A simple way to get site events delivered to your computer or phone

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Screenshot that shows a RSS feed from Simple History in the web based Feedbin RSS reader

RSS is a XML-based file format used to publish frequently updated information. Wikipedia explains the benefits:

RSS feeds benefit users who want to receive timely updates from favorite websites or to aggregate data from many sites.

Subscribing to a website RSS removes the need for the user to manually check the website for new content. Instead, their browser constantly monitors the site and informs the user of any updates. The browser can also be commanded to automatically download the new data for the user.

Simple History has built in support for a RSS-feed. By using this RSS-feed you can get updates from your website directly to your phone or computer. What users have logged in, what plugins have been updated, what posts have been created and what posts have been updated?

With the RSS feed all this info can be delivered to you without the need to login to your website. Great, isn’t it?

Here’s how it works:

  1. You install a RSS-reeder on your computer or phone. RSS reeders exists for both Mac and PC, for both Iphone and Android.

  2. Login to your website and navigate to Settings » Simple History and copy the long RSS-link that you can find there. settings-rss-feed

  3. Add the link from step 2 to your RSS-reeder

  4. Now you will get site updates directly to your phone or computer!